On 23 January 2025, the useless parasites and falsifiers of history and reality who sit in the European Parliament at the expense of the workers of Europe overwhelmingly passed a rambling resolution on “Russia’s disinformation and historical falsification to justify its war of aggression against Ukraine”. Dusting off the ignoble equation between nazism and communism from the shameful, similar resolution of 2019, this time, even more generously, these champions of bomb democracy, heroic warriors on the shoulders and with the lives of others, deplore “the continued use of symbols of totalitarian regimes in public spaces” and call for “an EU-wide ban on the use of both Nazi and Soviet communist symbols as well as symbols of Russia’s ongoing aggression against Ukraine”.
Altering, as is their habit, historical events with the same shamelessness as Joseph Goebbels, made up of a mixture of blatant bad faith, ignorance, prejudices and commonplaces that they themselves invented, these lackeys of capital are the spokesmen of the most boorish and violent anti-communism and are clamouring, on behalf of their masters, a further crackdown on communists and the creation of new species of crimes of opinion, in a doomed attempt to neutralise the class vanguards and their revolutionary activity against capitalism, the bearer of exploitation, poverty, crisis, war and barbarism. This is the real world of capital that these gentlemen try to hide by falsifying history.
In the delusional text of the resolution, the absurdity of the attempt to demonstrate an alleged continuity between the glorious experience of the Soviet Union and the grim reality of capitalist Russia with an approach, which cannot be defined as “analytical” but rather as demented, that does not take into account the opposing class nature of the two systems, leaps to the eye. To claim that Russia, where one of the most reactionary and anti-communist capitalist bourgeoisie is in power, the architect of the counterrevolution that brought down the Soviet power, is the continuator of the policy of the USSR, is a statement fit for admission to a psychiatric ward, as is the attempt to equate the opposition between socialism and capitalism, between two diametrically antithetical worldviews and social systems, with today’s bitter inter-imperialist competition, which is completely internal to a single world capitalist system based on competition and, for this reason, a harbinger of wars.
We are not at all surprised that the Socialists & Democrats parliamentary group, of which the italian PD is also a member, voted, almost in its entirety, in favour of this anti-communist resolution, nor are we surprised that 33% of the Left group did likewise, not to mention the Greens, whose 75% supported the anti-communist nonsense contained in the resolution. The fake bourgeois and opportunist “Left”, increasingly waffling, together with old and new social democracy, confirms its role as the crutch of European monopoly capitalism even in the face of imperialist war.
The Communist Front strongly denounces and opposes these anti-historical and mystifying statements, which equate those who paid a very high price, in terms of human lives and destruction, to free Europe and the world from the nazi-fascist murderers, vituperated in words by institutional rhetoric but in fact tolerated and used by the bourgeois power when necessary.
We remind the zealous servants of capital who sit in the EU Parliament at our expense that it was the communists who made the greatest contribution to the anti-fascist resistance and liberation struggle, it was the Red Army, under the leadership of the Bolshevik Communist Party and Stalin dealt the fatal blow to nazi-fascism, liberated the prisoners of Auschwitz on 27 January 1945 and raised the red flag with the hammer, sickle and star on the Reichstag in Berlin, a symbol of hope and redemption for proletarians all over the world. Without the effort and blood of the communists, nazi-fascism would not have been defeated. No anti-communist propaganda could ever tarnish this glorious historical reality.
Eighty years after the Great Victory and the Liberation of Italy from nazi-fascism, we fight every mystification of history, every form of denigration of the heroic experience of the construction of socialism in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, as they aim to provide a false ideological justification for the introduction of new forms of criminalisation of the class struggle, repression and persecution of social protest, as envisaged by the draft bill 1660.
We therefore reaffirm our militant commitment to the struggle against the authoritarian turn promoted by the bourgeoisie to impose further sacrifices on the proletariat and the peoples of Europe to support the war economy and the profit of capital, against imperialist war, for Italy’s exit from NATO and the EU, for socialism-communism.
Rome, 24/01/2025
Political Bureau of the Central Committee